I find that I have SO many words and thoughts in my head. They’re not always racing but they are frequently present.
I don’t know if I analyze things, or OVER analyze things. Do I think about my thinking too much?
I don’t even feel comfortable sharing it all online. But I definitely need to address this. I don’t think it’s a symptom of anything, per se, just a lot of things I need to work through and process. I can only spend about 45 minutes a week with my actual therapist and I need to discuss more than we can fit into that time slot.
I feel like I’m being drowned in the endless cascade of my own thinking. I do best with a sounding board – someone to challenge my distorted bullshit feelings and perceptions.
I don’t want to “wear out” any of my friendships. I truly appreciate the people who have “been there” for me.
October is the best and shittiest month for me.